Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Granny's Automobile

Granny's Automobile
Be a defender of the weak and a helper,
of the helpless.
Is what I've learned.
The promise I made to keep to widows
and orphans - the voiceless.

Granny is 87 and living a happy life.
Tho' she cannot do many things for herself,
she is content when others are there.
Presence is everything in the lonely pauses.

God is glorified in these;
than those with eloquence of speech.

I will finish what I started for no one,
starts a race, not intending to finish
and finish well for its not boxing the air.
Aren't we salt and light?

I expect nothing;
than a smile of satisfaction and the understanding;
you can lean on me, anytime as someday I likely will;
on some else.
Thanks for the honor.

Fulfilled, without speaking.

Jason Dhanapalan
9:48 pm EST  10/19/2010

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