Sunday, December 26, 2010

Its Snowing Now

Its Snowing Now

It's snowing now -
what a wonderful sight.
Everywhere I look is covered by a blanket of white
so generously.

Just like the sun that shines on the
just and the unjust

There's a time coming to burn or freeze
at the extreme.

Kids make angels and really seem to be
with wings indented on the white.
I hear the crunch crunch under my boots
and tread cautiously and sensitively
as if hoping for something ethereal to happen.
Nothing does... except the constant wind blows
the soft flakes upon my cheek
to melt instantly.

Snow over all, just like the blood over all.
The one covers and the other cleanses
with a like generosity of spirit.

But the snow will melt and expose whats under.
There's nothing left when the blood is done.
Red over white or brown is so stark.

I see beauty all around, up in the sky or
down on the ground.
Angelic beings are flitting about.
Who can see them or understand what is to come.
The great battle of the mind has already started
through the ownership of your soul.
By what you hold dear to your heart.

The subtle one is hissing and slithering along happily
and in 'victory' - which is man's pain
for now as is appointed.
Open your eyes!
Fight back... or lose.
That's what is real.

It's snowing now.

Jason Dhanapalan
06H11 est.

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