Friday, March 18, 2011



The plates shook with a heave and a sigh,
not in restful manner,
but like a phleghmatic old lady coughing,
giving up her last breath.
Like a rug shook from under and rippling still.

The waters heaved and rolled, angry at this
sudden, rude interruption of cocky bravado.
The energy began building and shot outwards
like Tell's arrow or Zeus' thunderbolt.

The people cowered in fear and began to hide
and even run.
As the waters approached, some fools watched.
Everything was given a tumble dry wet

The clean streets and meticulous lawns and heated buildings
were no more.
I thirst, was the cry.
Where's my baby?
Where's my husband, wife?

Unannounced, in the middle of the night,
who watches over you?

The death cloud is rising.
It's moving this way or that.
Everybody fears.
Are these the signs?

Fear not, I am with you.

Jason Dhanapalan
13H50 est

For the people of Japan, Chile, Haiti and everywhere else.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Mountains appear before me,
numerous odd shaped entities.
I stand at their base in awe,
filled with wonder.

The air is icy cold,
a portent of what awaits.
In the silence, I can hear myself think.
It is a noisome cacaphony.
All this is drowned out by the presence before me.

I will have to climb alone or get nowhere.
Nobody is there to reach out.
Nobody wants to.
It's a world of get and get more...
I have no ropes or links to help me.

Then I put my foot foward on the cold, jagged rocks.
I search out for soft places to absorb.
I turn back and look, frozen by fear
of the enormity of the task ahead.
I have only taken two steps and don't see,
the fourth man.

I persist and climb for years.
I look back and see that he was tending my cuts
and bruises along the way,

All along...
waiting on the top too.
What a breath-taking view we enjoy.
I am not alone.
No, no more.

'How lovely on the mountains are the feet,
of him who brings good news, announcing peace,
proclaiming news of happiness...'

We still climb,
even if the rock rolls down again.

Jason Dhanapalan
19H05 est.

Friday, January 7, 2011



I had a dream that the leader's daughter
had an abusive partner.
My discernment has never let me down so far,
nor do I expect it to do so anytime soon.
I see things so I am not surprised.

What I see now is a people who are Godless and Godforsaken.
They are running around as if in an athletics meet.
There is no goal or purpose.
It's a daily route so no surprises expected, no rose smelling.
Forces are gathering with devious intention to begin a great assault,
like never before.
To snuff out the weak and busy.

Thousands of birds fell from the skies and had the scientists
disagreeing with each other for the best explanation.
Don't you know that not one sparrow falls from the sky and 
Him not knowing it?
Beauty silenced and the feathers ruffle in the wind is
a portent of things to come.
Suddenly, without warning and subtly the enemy attacks.
He knows the time!

A flaming sword from the North East will lie all waste
in its path and that time is now on us,
like a sudden downpour and the ground cannot soak up the water
so there is a deluge.
Not like the Mayan calendar but they knew something.

Thousands of fish suddenly dying tells that the time for mercy is no more.
Fish once fed and slaked hunger but now is a sign,
of the starvation and depravity of mind.
It was a slow and steady slide that none troubled over the omens,
to swim upstream.
They would eat each other just as soon for everything else,
unnatural is acceptable.

Its too late for change if reading, it's not instant,
so soon is the parousia in my sight.

Can the blind lead the blind?
They will both be hurt.

The signs are there but can we perceive it?
On our knees.
That's condescending, isn't it?
'Untouchable' in India, not any more?
But right here and now.

Lawyers and the law are killing the nation and there's 
no governance but a semblance of it.

Will a remnant return?
That's a possibility.

God bless ....

Apocalypse means 'eye opening' not end of days.
When the end is nigh, there will be time no more
for opening of eyes.
That's a luxury for now.  

Jason Dhanapalan
8:45pm est